A strong woman believes that she's strong enough to face her journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in this journey that she will become strong.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

good news for people who love bad news.

I got a call from the new RE office and they need me to come in to go over my lab and pap results, this was not expected as my next appointment was to be after and HSG and before the LAP. Awesome. I go in on the 28th at 4:00. I do think he is going to bypass the HSG and go right ahead with the LAP in January as we did the hsg in 2010 with no results. That, of course, is if all of my labs came back normal, but lets face it, its me, there is always something standing in my way. I kind of expected it. However, it could ALWAYS be worse. I could be the lady on the most recent episode of Call of the Wildman. I tried to find a youtube clip of it and I couldn't so my illustration below is pretty much exactly what she looked like, just so you can get the full affect of her awesomeness. A few questions I have, do you really need that many brightly colored hair clips designated to one area of hair? And just how to you get a possum infestation? I mean they aren't little bugs or mice that squeeze through holes, they are freaking possums. I'm pretty sure as 'turtleman' was telling her about her issue this is what was going through her head "I don't even know what the FUCK a possum is. I thought they were cats. I named them. Why are there cameras here? I need more hair clips."
If you haven't seen "Call of the Wildman", do yourself a favor and tune in. You're in for a real treasure. *insert obnoxious call of the wild he does*


Every year, my good friend and I exchange Christmas letters, you know, the one your great Aunt sends you about her extravagant traveling and hobbies? Yeah, well we mock the shitty parts of our lives in our letters. So to keep with tradition, I'll share mine this year:

Dearest friends and family,

I hope this Christmas letter finds you well.

Our year has been rather eventful. We spent weekends visiting wineries and enjoyed a summer vacation in the Outer Banks to avoid going home and having "Bruce Bruce" knock on our door for loan money for his "insulin" problem. Our deck was finally completed in October and as by then it was too cool to use it, we are looking forward to sipping margaritas on it next summer. Lily has been blossoming in Pre-school, her newest phrases are "Poopy-butt!" and "You worry 'bout yourself". She's also been doing a very good job at maintaining both of her personalities, we refer to them as Jackal and Hyde. Her extracurricular activities include dance, watching Beauty and the Beast on repeat and picking her nose. I celebrated my eight year anniversary as keeper of the books this year, I received an excellent evaluation and a small pay raise as we've lost clients this year. I also received more work as I run that shit on a daily basis. I'm thinking of getting a real parrot for the office to keep me company to replace Lewis, the fake one, who keeps me company now. I've been partaking in a few hobbies myself since being alone at the office, such as learning to side braid my hair, broadening my vocabulary at Words with Friends and expanding my vocal abilities with the likes of Adele. I'm pretty sure I should get employee of the month, every month. We made a charitable donation this year of $450 to Culpeper County and the Town of Culpeper for personal property. Its such an honor to be able to park our cars in our driveway in their county. I wouldn't have spent that money any other way!

Yet another year I regret to inform you that Lily did not become a big sister. My cervix has attachment issues to cancer and my tubes seem to be that of an 80 year old whore. So in planning for 2012, the Doctor will insert a scope through my belly button and out my pelvis to check my pipes for blockage. I knew I got rid of my belly button ring years back for a good reason, aside from the fact it would get caught on my mom jeans, I would hate to have to explain an infertility scar every time I flashed my bling. We made no big purchases this year as we've been trying to save for the making of another child, unless you include the brand new 1994 truck with 200,000 miles on it that we bought to haul the necessities of life and to get us back and forth to work in the two snowstorms per year we have.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays! belted in my Adele voice


But seriously, have a glorious Christmas bloggy friends! I'll be making reindeer food to put on the driveway so they don't miss our house, baking cookies for Santa so he knows we appreciate him, making sure the 'repeat' button works on the CD player to ensure Glee Christmas plays non-stop and plotting ways to tell people to get the hell out of my house on Christmas after I've had enough of their cheer just kidding, sort of. Enjoy the food, company, cheer and of course, the wine!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This just in: LAP surgery & we're going to need more wine!

I had my appointment with my new RE this morning. I like Dr. R! I didn't feel rushed and his waiting room Better Homes/Parenting magazine ratio pleased me. Props to you on that one Dr. R, not all of us like seeing babies and fertile mothers and their fertile smiles on every single magazine cover. Anyway, I had to get a pap, my last one was in 2009, right after my CKC surgery so I'm WAY overdue for one. I'm a little nervous to get the results back, I have an eerie feeling that my dysplasia is back, which will halt TTC plans until its taken care of. I'm hoping that is not the case and that the surgery has done its job! On the TTC front, he's going to schedule a Laparoscopy before we move onto more invasive, money spending procedures such as the IUI. In short, they insert a tube and dye thru your belly button and check your tubes for signs of endometriosis or anything else that could be causing problems. He suggests this first because if we were to go ahead and do the IUI and there be some blockage in my tubes, the IUI and two g's would all flush right down my tubes because if the egg can't travel down them, then the hub's eager 75 mil sperm can't woo it with their dirty talk and lemonade. I'm pretty sure that's how it happens. I think this is a good plan, I'm ready for it, I'm ready for what's next in life. I'm ready for you January!

I've got all my shopping done but still need to make one quick trip the the 'burg. I'm so over shopping for other people, I'm way more of a fan of shopping for myself. Ho, friggin' Ho, right? I have to clean house this weekend in preparation of Christmas dinner at our house. I don't think in the history of ever that I've cleaned my whole house at one time. I'm not one of those people. Growing up, my mom would designate weekends as 'house cleaning weekend' Hell to the nah in my house. If somethings dusty and its starting to bother me when the sun hits it just right, then I'll dust that bitch. If socks start sticking to the floor, I may feel the urge to mop it. I just have to be in a cleaning mood to really want that Clorox smell looming in the air, but mood or not, it must be done this weekend. I'm so ADD in many ways that its impossible for me to start one thing and finish it, I start five things before I ever finish what I first started with. I need a list. A cleaning list. I'll start that today. oh god, I bet my mother has 'cleaning lists'. I was proud of myself for getting out an e-vite to the Morrison side of the family for Christmas dinner, before Christmas Eve. I'm sure they are second guessing letting me take over this whole thing this year after my invite, but whatevs, it will be glorious.

Actual lines from my Christmas at my house e-vite:

"Also, my wine bar has wine in it. Just sayin'. And, my 'Glee Christmas' CD will be playing on repeat for the entire day, because it's awesome. You've been warned. Also, We will provide the appetizers, ham, deviled eggs and holiday plates. Fight with each other over what else you would like to bring for sides because if you ask me, I'll tell everyone wine and pie because I really like those things" If that doesn't frighten people away from coming they must be really awesome or like wine & pie as much as I do.

And if they aren't fans of those awesome things, then I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be partaking in my ham, or Jesus juice, THANK YOU.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New RE & Holiday hullabaloo

I set up an infertility consultation with a new RE for December 14th! A few things I'm excited about, THEY ACCEPT OUR INSURANCE, the DR is a dude and the practice is only 15 minutes from my work and with my tied to the office work schedule, this works out extremely well. I'm excited to hear their plan of attack and I swear to sweet baby Jesus if they want to do Clomid I will go all crazy infertile on them. To recap where I'm at: It's been two years of negative pregnancy tests. December will be one year since the miscarriage. I've been charting and seem to be ovulating, the previous RE wanted to bypass Clomid (as I've already done several unsuccessful rounds on this) and go straight to injections and IUI and then those assholes stopped taking our insurance. We are only covered for office visits and blood work but every little bit helps. I'm anxious to see how much an IUI procedure will cost at the new office. I'm hopeful and going in head high but grounded. Its the first step on a staircase of many steps but if you believe in fate, you fight for it. My gloves are on. "Without strength, there is no courage. Without pain, there is no joy. Without struggle, there is no triumph."

The joke of "we should do Christmas dinner at Erik & Stacy's" turned into the real deal. I'm actually really excited to not unwrap presents in a quick fashion, get cleaned up, dressed and leave the house all before noon. It will be refreshing to sip my coffee until its gone, to lounge in my pj's until I absolutely must get dressed and to fill my house with family, food and the Christmas ambiance that comes with it this time of year. And the Glee Christmas CD playing in the background, of course. It also means 24 hours of A Christmas Story and that's a must. I mean I have a lot of organizing and a little planning and decorating to do but I love this shit. I'm even going to send out an e-vite because the Morrison side of the family is always last minute, no one ever knows what time or where anything is or what they're supposed to bring. It also gives me a chance to make these:

And these:

This site should come with a disclaimer noting that it will CONSUME YOUR LIFE. Its awesome. Its more awesome than awesome. It will rock your crafty world. Luckily now through the end of December is slow at work so I have pretty much 8 hours a day to browse.


We've been trying to save money with the holiday coming up  and we really can't tell where we've been spending all of our money besides gas and groceries and my husband claims he buys nothing, he can't cut back anymore than he does, which happens to be mostly true, he really doesn't buy much. However, this is how the conversation went, husband: "where can you cut costs? How about not buying a bottle of wine anytime you go to the store?" Me: "Did you just hear yourself? THAT IS NOT AN OPTION." You know those moms who go insane, like drive into a lake insane or chop husbands penises off in their sleep insane? I'm assuming that's because their husbands tried to cut their wine allowance. I'll take that win, husband. Besides, I'm building up my cork collection and I do not think my $7 indulgence (or sanity in a glass) is breaking the bank. Also, he's never had to wake Lily up during the week, shits crazy. Also, I just bought a wine bar that will not fill itself. Also, I'm just a really big fan of it.

hide the knives, husband. HIDE THE GODDAMN KNIVES.
Maybe if everyone is caught up in the food, wine and Christmas high they won't notice our Charlie Brown tree. or that all the knives are missing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I've got to make this life make sense

I'm thankful for the familiar things I know and for the things I'll never know. I'm thankful for my unanswered prayers, I know god has a bigger plan for me. For the raspy, silent laugh Lily does when she's laughing so hard, that the noise that comes with it just can't quite keep up. My girlfriends. You want to know how a girl survives? Look by her side. You ladies embrace my freak flag, you don't make me paint myself in black and white, or limit myself to a definition. You know I've got a few lose screws and you don't give a shit. My husband, who has shown me more about myself, than anyone. He's the toughest fighter I know. I aspire to be like him, his work ethic, his passion for family and his expectations of himself. When he loves, he loves hard and at times that leaves him vulnerable to being hurt but its never stopped him from loving. Always willing, to help, to love, to better himself. My family and how supportive they are, even in the worst of time. It's been a rough year and I've learned that if you ever need to figure out where you're going, start with where you've been and where you come from.
Being thankful comes in so many shapes and forms. For Lily, most of the time it comes in a "this is my best day!" and in that, I know she's thankful for that day, for whatever we did and who we are. For my husband and I, it usually comes in the same form. If we're excited about something or like the elements, we tend to say "that would be my best day!" Although the occasional "thank you" is nice to hear and is still important, its also important to look for the thankfulness that comes in the in-between. It's in the moments where a rake and fall leaves make the perfect jumping piles. It's at the table playing cards with dear friends, sipping wine and laughing until it actually hurts. It's watching a perfect little three year old stand in the shower with her eyes closed while the water runs down her and catching a glimpse of the beautiful woman she is going to be. It's carrying on the most important conversation about a play-doh picnic. The first fruit in the summer and the sky-pink hues in October that are as significant as the changing seasons. Letting the little 'help', which is mainly an egg stirred too fast and spilled or flour that has missed the bowl but letting her help anyway because she is willing, able and ready to learn. We tend to miss these moments, we get busy, our minds gets clouded, we lose sight of what's important. I'm thankful for the right now, the life as I'm in it at this exact moment, no more, no less.

Today is my eight year anniversary of keeper of the books. I stumbled upon this job a few months after graduating high school and who knew it would end up being such a perfect fit for me. I'm thankful to have such a steady job, that I like. I have a great relationship with my boss, my clients generally listen to me when I tell them they're spending too much and I've got a lot of 'wiggle' room. With taking things over and being an official business owner in the near future, I'm proud of this accomplishment. I'll drink to that tonight!

I'm going to surprise Lily and go to her Thanksgiving luncheon tomorrow. Work keeps me busier than I like, but with the little wiggle room I have, I'm making sure to make time for her, so she feels special, so she will always know that she comes first and will remember these times that we would do things, just for her, just because we love her. After all, she is my greatest accomplishment in life and though waking her in the mornings is much like waking the spawn of satan, she was heaven sent. I can't say it enough, she saved me from being everything I hate about myself. I'm most grateful that she's in my life and even more grateful to be her mom. Find a reason, every day, to be thankful. Toast to it, drink to it, say it to yourself, whatever it is you do, find a reason. Thankfulness and happiness go hand in hand and you are the only one who can make you happy. As you sit around your table, stuffing your faces with turkey and all the trimmings, take a minute and breathe in your surroundings. We know all to well that tomorrow isn't promised, so drink it the good stuff while you're living it.

Thank you, bloggy friends, for giving me an outlet to express myself, a way to cope with the emotional highs and lows of infertility and reading my stories on exploding pythons (of the non-penis sort). I'm able to put all that's in my head on paper and times when I don't believe in myself, you're always there to believe in me. You pretty much rock my world!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

exploding pythons (and I don't mean penises!)

Baby showers are my kryptonite, especially the ones where no one knows my struggle. The mom-to-be at this particular shower is my husbands cousin. She hates being pregnant and I'm unsure she said anything positive about her whole pregnancy other than the fact that she loves eating cake for breakfast. She also prodded as to when we were going to have another and when "it's a long process for us" wasn't good enough, she came back all "you are going to have more, right?". I was nice on her and went all "we'd like to!". I should have been more "yeah, just as soon as my bitch of a cervix gets her shit together" Had I had more than one glass of wine on the way there, I'm sure it would have went more like that. act like you didn't know I needed as glass of wine before attempting said shower. And it occurred to me as I was watching swamp wars the other night and a giant python engulfed a freaking alligator like it was it's job, that's what I should have done. However, in this case the python exploded half way exposing the alligator, so the snake won in the beginning but got his, mid-snack. Lose/lose.
Karma, at its finest.
I have yet to make a consultation appointment with a new RE. I'm not exactly sure why I'm so apprehensive. I guess its the feeling of leaving the office as I did the last one, completely lost and overwhelmed. I know more than anything, I'm scared. We'll only have one shot one $2,000.00 shot mind you at this, because who knows when we'd be able to get together that kind of money to try again if this doesn't work. I mean, that is an option, the IUI not working. Sure, I'm hopeful that it will. I'm hopeful that the sperm they place right into my freaking uterus will do their job and and egg will attach and happy ending but lets be serious, this infertility shit keeps me grounded enough to know, that it might not work out like that. It might be awful and I might feel like that was my only chance for who knows how long and it just might be the last straw on this struggle that takes me to my knees. I believe I need to take the chance, invest my faith and be vulnerable to the opportunity, but that also means being vulnerable to the even greater hole this could leave in my heart. Everyone has their struggles, whether its health or family, marriage or infertility, we all fight for something. I mean look at the python for god's sake, he was fighting for food, he was hungry, saw that damn alligator and said "self, I'm gonna eat that big bitch for snack" I mean, it didn't really work out in the end but he saw that big ass alligator as no problem, just a little bump in the road and owned it. Until he exploded and all. Yes, I realize I'm reading WAY too much into the pythigator but it was totally appropriate for my post. Infertility is my alligator, I need to make it my bitch.

Also, I got my period (of course) last week, so we're onto cycle 25. CYCLE 25. Two years of negative pregnancy tests and heart breaks.  Also some more, two FB friends had babies,boys, on Monday. One of them complained every day of her pregnancy, I hope her baby has colic. Just kidding, sort of. The Duggar's also announced this week that loosey-goosey momma Duggar is three months pregnant with her 20th child, TWENTIETH! Seriously, world, do you want me to kill myself? I'm only kidding, I faint at the sight of my own blood. Besides, I bet babies pretty much just fall out of her vagina by now, and I'm pretty sure her uterus will one of these days. 20 kids will probably do that to ya, that's what you get for being greedy. Karma, Duggar, karma.

Basically, you can apply all of life to the pythigator.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

pure awesomeness.

We attended both of our Halloween parties which by the way, I've come to the realization that I'm too old to dance in 4 inch heels for 6 hours. My legs, ankles and poor feet feel like I just ran a ten miler. If people start asking why I'm walking like an 80 year old, I'm pretty much going to tell them I ran a ten miler. I think it's equivalent and Lily rocked her bumble bee costume in her parade at school. We sat around the fire pit handing out candy to all the little creatures and handing the torch to the end of the year Holidays. Lily's "Dance little skeletons" and "Pumpkins on a gate" songs will be replaced with Pilgrims and sharing. Painted pine cones will decorate the kitchen table and radio will soon be filled with the hum of Christmas songs. Some people commemorate the day after Halloween as the first day to listen to Christmas music, I don't judge. Let your freak flag fly! With the holidays and all of the glorious calorific foods that come with them quickly approaching I need to start running again. Exercise is one of the easiest things to fall out of the routine of doing and also one of the hardest things to get back into. I love the way it makes me feel when I'm doing it, I love how much healthier I feel after doing it and yet still can't find the right amount of motivation to lace up the running shoes. Its hard, especially around the holidays, to find the time to take care of yourself. Its hard for a mom in general to find time for herself but to continue to be that good mom, its necessary to do these things. Pick the little up 30 minutes late so you can get the pedi you've been putting off, sit in the parking lot with your iced latte that you don't want to share, jamming to songs she can't listen to anymore because she repeats "boobies and droppin' it low". Make a coffee date with your friend for 30 minutes after work, you will never regret it. It doesn't make you a bad mom, it makes you a better one.

Grammy, has a facebook. FB is a great way to stay in touch with family, keep up with life and share your pictures without downloading only 6 per email because that's all that will fit. I even have my in laws on there and most of my aunts and cousins and such, however, they know that sometimes I fail to have a sensor. If you friend me and don't think my "Lily said boobies" or "Knock knock mother fucker" statuses are awesome, then I'm not certain where you went wrong in life or why we're friends because that's funny shit. I love my Grammy but I just don't think she's ready for me. Besides, 'friending' her is just a bridge to my mother who knows that I'm inappropriate and like wine just refuses to embrace it. Clearly, I'm far too awesome for her liking. I'm also not sure ho she'd feel about my recent status of Lily toppling over in her carseat because when my husband put it back in the car he didn't strap it down. Why, dear husband, would you just put the carseat in its appropriate place only to look like its strapped in? I drove around with her chillin' in her carseat all loosey-goosey for TWO days. Only reiterating the fact I'm not sure how the hospital let us bring home a kid! I made a sharp right turn into the gas station and she and her jet pack looking carseat attached to her rolled over onto the seat and then rolled between the back of the drivers seat and the back seat of the car. She was wedged there like a turtle who was helpless. I could not stop laughing, I'm sure no one else at the gas station thought it was comical, in fact I'm certain the ol' bitch next to me was was going to call child protective services. Lily is all freaked out with a deer in the headlights look on her face and I can't muster the energy to help her yet because I'm still laughing. I gain composure, help the girl out and strap the carseat down. Girlfriend doesn't forget stuff, so I made sure to tell her DADDY was the one who let this tragedy happen. I'll tell her this story when she's old and thinks being a bad parent is not letting her stay out past 10:00. I imagine it will go like this, "remember that one time Dad didn't strap your carseat in and you were all loosey-goosey in the backseat? Don't let that happen on your date tonight!" I'll put it as my status that day because it's awesome. I probably won't friend her on FB either.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

scars, yeah, she's got her scars

The candlelight vigil for my dear friend was perfect. Faces glowing amongst the candles flickering, stories told, tears shed and laughter ensued. Together, united, we all stood around the gravesite in a circle remembering the life of someone who touched each of our hearts. It was a cold October evening but the unity, stories and ambiance of the candlelight could keep even the coldest soul, warm. Strength comes in numbers and it was proven that night. All problems are set aside, age is insignificant and we all come together in a pain we each share, to keep the memory alive and to help each other heal through tears, joy and hope. Its a beautiful thing, to be a able to turn pain, into pride.


I've been better at temping this month and lo and behold, what is this you ask? CH's on my chart! It means I most likely ovulated this month, I hadn't thought I had been and I'm still not entirely convinced as the post-o temps are still fairly low, but even a light O, is better than no O. this life theory goes for both types of O's if you catch my drift! We did have a little baby making action around the time I received CH's, so who knows! I am in no way getting my hopes up, I know how this goes and my last few months have been wishy-washy with short LP's. Its nice to think though, that it would be a miracle to 'unexpectetly' get pregnant after two years of trying.


It may have been the cold meds that I'm taking to kick this cold, but I just had the most random e-chat with a customer service rep from the Halloween shop I bought my costume from, its also proof that I’m not an adult but it was too awesome not to share!
Hi, My name is JASON, what can I help you with today?
Stacy: Really? Is your name really Jason?
JASON: Yes. Why do you ask?
Stacy: I just figure most people who do these 24 hour online service things are from like India or something. No offense if you are actually from India or something.
JASON: None taken. Is there something I can help you with?
Stacy: So…you are from India. Oh, yes. I ordered a costume last week and never received a shipment email and I need it by the 28th. Oh, and I don’t have my order number.
JASON: What is the order name?
Stacy: Hannibal Lector
Stacy: Just kidding. I bet you get that a lot being a Halloween costume store and all. It’s actually Stacy Morrison.
JASON: One moment, while I retrieve your information.
JASON: We do have your order information, it was received on 10/20 and it looks like it was refunded the same day.
Stacy: I’m not sure why it was refunded, I never cancelled it?
JASON: It shows you should have received a notice via email about your credit card not being accepted.
Stacy: Are you judging me right now because my credit card was not accepted?
JASON: No ma’am.
Stacy: Because some jackwagon stole my credit card number last week and bought what I’m assuming was $300 in Redskins gear.
JASON: I’m sorry to hear of that.
Stacy: Anyway, I check my email daily and never got anything.
JASON: I’m sorry of that also, this is what was sent: *sends copy of email*
Stacy: So basically I need to reorder in hopes that I get it by Friday so I can win a costume party as Minnie Mouse?
JASON: I wish I had better news for you but it seems that is what you will need to do. We offer three day shipping for $8.99 that will get it to you by the 28th.
Stacy: I mean, that’s pretty much my only option at this point.
JASON: Touche.
Stacy: Are you even real? I bet you’re a robot named Jason.
JASON: I can assure you, I’m not. Is there anything else I can do for you today Ms. Morrison?
Stacy: A real robot wouldn’t tell me he was a robot anyway.
JASON: Well, if there is nothing else I can do for you, thank you for ordering!
Stacy: I’m in an office all day by myself. I bet this is your best day having a conversation with Hannibal Lector!
JASON: Have a happy Halloween!
Stacy: Do they have classes that like, teach you to send nice responses to belligerent/awesome people? I’m pretty sure if I was you, I would like talking to people in the USA.
JASON is no longer available


We've got a busy weekend planned, a costume party Friday, (which by the way I landed on Minnie Mouse this year and Lily stood her ground on bumble bee) and the pumpkin patch followed by carving on Saturday. Its going to be a crisp fall weekend, one that you'll need to come home from picking out the perfect pumpkin to making up some hot chocolate while you watch pumpkin seeds glow in the oven.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The memories have left you broken and the scars have never healed

You always remember what you were doing, who you were with and the moment that something life changing happens. It’s like the groundwork to who you become, the dots to which lines will be added to in life.
Before my husband proposed, my brother and I were waiting for him in my car and I opened the glove box for something and there a ring box was. I quickly shut the glove box knowing full well I wasn’t supposed to see it and my brother and I never spoke of it again. My husband had planned a whole trip up to the Shenandoah Mountains (to this day I’m unsure why as I’m the last person you want to take hiking anyway, I’m about as athletic as an overweight smoker) but it was raining that day and I put up a big fight about not wanting to go, after seeing the ring box I understood why he was so persistent about going. We didn’t go and he ended up asking me in my parent’s living room in the house I grew up in. He came in, turned the movie I was watching off and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him on that rainy September day. I had a hint it was coming since I stumbled upon it, but it didn’t make that moment any less special, the moment I knew who I wanted to grow old with. That house carries a lot of memories with it and was only appropriate it hold the one that would start the rest of my life.
The night we decided we were ready for a family. It was December 10th; I had stopped taking birth control at the beginning of the month and knew we should start trying around the 14th because ‘normal’ people ovulate around day 14 of your cycle. We lit candles and made it romantic for our very first night of actual baby-making sex, which is much different then the “pull and pray” we’d been practicing since high school. We figured we would have good news to share the next month or so, little did we know the long emotional road that lied ahead of us, the road that ended up making us stronger, the same road that led me to being a mom.
The day I found out I was pregnant, was actually quite a surprise. It had been a 16 month wait and late periods and negative pregnancy tests were common occurrences, on a monthly basis. It was a Friday morning in late August and I was getting ready for work, I had a few pregnancy tests left over from the previous month and realized I was about three days late and thought, what the hell, I’ll probably ruin my whole Friday but the desire to pee on a stick was much needed that morning. I peed, brushed my teeth and went to throw the test in the trash but on this particular morning, 16 months of disappointment and reoccurring one pink lines, there were TWO pink lines, two dark pink lines. I kept the secret all day long because I was sure I would go home and the lines wouldn’t be there but I busted out the big guns with the digital and there is no mistaking the word “pregnant”. To this day I can still feel the excitement in my soul.
The moment I laid eyes on my beautiful baby girl, is completely unexplainable. It was a long wait, a hard labor and all of the pain went away the second I saw her. The dim lights in the room, the family anxiously waiting in the sitting area and the looks of pure admiration from my husband are etched into my being. It was 9:04 at night and as exhausted as I was after the nurses went to their stations and our families had retreated for the night, I couldn’t make myself close my eyes because if this was actually a dream, I didn’t want to wake up from it. She is the answer to my dreams and this unbelievable amount of love I have in my heart, began with her.
Loss, we all experience it. From our first pet passing to an older grandparent, death is a part of life. I was always lucky enough to not have lost many people close to me. A few great grandparents when I was little and a couple grandparents as I got older, you hear of people losing close ones on the news all the time and I was always really naive to it because I had never experienced the loss of someone I was really close to. It was a beautiful October day, we had spent the day at the pumpkin patch picking out the perfect pumpkins to carve. My friend TJ and I had texted back and forth a few times laughing about the night before when we all went out for drinks, he was anxious about turning 21 in a few days, the last text he sent was “all hell will break loose when I’m 21!”. We went back to my brother in laws house for pizza and I had just heard that TJ was in an accident, so I called his mom and the only thing she said was “He’s not breathing Stac, he’s not breathing”. These words haunt me to this day. I sat down, I couldn’t eat and we were in a house full of people and I’m not sure I was even able to breathe for the next 23 minutes. They were transporting him to Mary Washington Trauma where my sister in law was a nurse at, she assured me how good the trauma team was and I reassured myself that he would be ok, they will fix him right up and we’ll go see him tomorrow. The next phone call I got was my brother on the other end, asking if I had heard, Yes, I’d heard about the accident but nothing since then. The next words I heard made my knees weak, “He’s gone”. The days following were a blur, we celebrated his birthday best we could at his parent’s house with all his friends, family, beer and cornole, just how he would have wanted it and his mom released 21 balloons at 9:00pm, when he was born. And he was laid to rest on the 28th. With the one year mark being this Sunday, the 23rd, it stirs up all the pain, it stirs up all the emotions that came with not knowing the last hug or text was going to be the last one. The pain we try to subdue all year long seems to surface around this time, the pain that will always leave a dull ache in our hearts for the rest of our lives.  If there is anything anyone can learn from TJ, its he lived everyday like it was his last. He experienced life with a smile and went out riding on something he loved doing that his friend only gave him the chance to do, a street bike. I hate the sound of them, I can’t look at them but it made him happy and he died, while living. Smells, places and materials always tie us to people, they always will and through these things you’re able to heal, remember and relive. The memories though faded, will last forever and whether it’s landing your first real job, laughing over coffee with someone who will be your forever, gazing into the eyes of your baby for the first time or saying goodbye to someone on a cool fall day, these moments made you the person you are today. Breathe in each moment and never forget what, or who, made you. Reminiscing on these times, even the hard ones, will help even the most lost soul, find their way back home. Each person, each experience and every love in your life has impacted it, whether you know it or not. It’s ok to laugh, its ok to cry and its ok to hug a little harder when it’s a bad day. Utilize your friends, especially the ones whom you don’t have to say a word to, the ones that just know you need them. Embrace your family, in every conceivable manner, family is the link to our past and the bridge to our future. It is tied to places, events and history. With all these felt details, life etches itself into memory.

Miss you TJ, a little more everyday.


Friday, October 14, 2011

when you're happy like a fool, let it take you over.

Retail therapy really is the best kind of therapy. I could go talk my heart out to a real therapist about the many a issue I have but damn if going and buying a new pair of hot heels doesn’t make me feel good. We went shopping and to a few wineries (yes, this is also fantastic therapy) with our friends on Monday and although I only came back with one shirt, the whole day was spent enjoying company and laughing, and laughter really is, the best medicine. We checked one winery off our list and moved onto the next, which happened to look like it was in the basement of a regular house, that is if you could get past the porta-john in the front yard. We were slightly frightened that we would knock on the door and an old man would yell to his ol’ lady to turn the TV off and get his pants. We decided to skip this one, since it was a sister winery to the first and shared same grapes, we didn’t really want to pay $7 to sit in a basement with father time scratching his balls while wiping the dust off the wine glasses and tasting the same shitty wine we tasted at the first place. I totally would have went in though, I love a good adventure and an even better story. On the way to our third winery of the day (we intended to hit four, we don’t mess around) we passed a smattering-of-shit-welded-together store. In the front yard was a giant metal rooster, if you haven’t read this story, read it and then the metal rooster sighting will blow your mind in awesomeness as it did mine. I have to have a giant metal rooster, I mean I guess I don’t need to go all crazy and get the giant, a little fella will do and it was only $80. My husband was not amused by my NEED for this rooster, nor could we fit it in my friends Mercedes but oh I will be going to back to get it, I will set it out on the hill behind my house, peeking out from the woods. I will be a great conversation piece. We all know I spend way too much time alone in my office, and as my own personal therapist I’m attributing my crazy chicken loving obsession to this. Just sayin.

That just happened.

I was on my way out of Lily’s classroom after I dropped her off for school and they had the parent-sign-up-to-bring-shit-to the class party board and I took a quick glace at who was bringing what and what they needed and you know what I picked? Pretzels. I’m the pretzel mom. Wtf. I know my baking abilities could be far better and I could have been cool and picked jello jigglers or even stepped out of the box and got a cool Halloween recipe or something but my hand wouldn’t stop me from writing her name beside freaking pretzels. I’m not a fan of being the pretzel mom, its Halloween, I could make any number of awesome things like witch fingers or whatever other creepy Halloween shit they have. Even worse, I signed up in pen. I don’t want to be the pretzel mom AND the crazy mom who scratches her kids name OFF of the pretzel list. Maybe I could totally redeem myself however by making the most awesome Halloween spaghetti brains those kids have ever seen. Too much? I’m pretty sure I’m over thinking the whole scenario seeing how chips and carrots also were taken; at least I’m not like the toilet paper mom or something. I’ll handle being pretzel mom this one time but I’ll kick the next parties ass.  You hear that Thanksgiving party? I’m coming for ya.

Have a glorious weekend, Friends!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

falling into place

October. A brand new month, it felt good to rip off the August and September months from the ol' calendar. Life seemed to have really tested me those two months, possibly two of the longest and most awakening months of my life. October is a good month to tell life to suck it! I'm holdin' onto the handlebars this month and drivin' on my own. I've been terrible with my temping, I've been terrible with baby making sex and I have yet to make an appointment with a new RE. I really let life take over in all aspects and I know there are many things out of my control but there are some things, I can fight for. But I also know, you can't let infertility consume your life, you have to live and sometimes its ok for it to go on the 'back burner', sometimes life and living it renew your strength. “Practice not wanting, desiring, judging, doing, fighting, knowing. Practice just being. Everything will fall into place.” Most of my weekends this month are cram-packed with gatherings with friends or family. Its just a precursor to the holidays and I love it. However, October is also bittersweet for me. While the excitement of fall and the upcoming events gives you a high, the harsh reality that the 23rd is the one year mark of my dear friends sudden passing bores a deep hole in my heart. I strive everyday to remember his voice, to be sure I never forget it. I scroll through pictures reliving each memory over the years and I truly wear his memorial tattoo like a badge of honor. Its weird, pain heals pain, for me anyway. Getting a tattoo can close a chapter of life, it can heal a hurt like no other and it can bring a happiness like nothing else. It helps you to move on as well as remember. As I'm moving forward in other aspects of life, a new tattoo is being drawn. To commemorate the things I've been through and to honor my daughter. It's healing.


"Remember that time I threw up on the table and on my food? That was a bad day" "Yes, yes that was a bad day" "What's that smell?" "It's smoke, someone has a fire going" "It smells like ham! I like ham" This kid's awesomeness rattles my bones. I know she's legitimately mine when she busts out with random thoughts and "that's a bad day's" I hope she speaks her uncensored mind for the rest of her life. She's sassy, she freaks out when she doesn't get her way, she knows exactly which buttons to push to send you over the edge but oh is she pure, she'll be the first person to tell you if she likes (or doesn't!) something, if she tells you out of nowhere that she loves you, oh how she means it. Treat her right and she'll love you like nobody else. We took her to see her first movie in theatre, complete with bag of day old popcorn and the biggest Sprite we could get. If you're going to get the full movie experience, you have to do it all, at least this once. We saw Lion King 3D and were the only ones in the theatre. If you're ever going to go to a movie, go on a Wednesday at 6:40, you'll never be sorry and we still made it home in time for Modern Family. The $50 in tickets and movie snacks were worth it because, we were making memories. Good memories, pumpkin carving in the fall, hot chocolate in the winter, vacations in the summer and movies on rainy days. Memories will always outweigh everything else, because without memories, life would suck. Memories will always teather you to certain places, people or things. Memories will make you smile or cry but everyone of them shaped you into the person you are. You are stronger for the tough memories, you are better for the happy ones and you are more wise for the bad ones.

yes, we are always this goofy.

Happy Thursday!  Dance class for the little and wine&dine with our favorites, I've got memories to be had!

Friday, September 23, 2011

happy endings.

I like Halloween, I like spending too much money on overpriced candy, I like sitting out on the front porch in a hoodie handing said candy out to all the littles, I like watching them run away with excitement, I like when my brother in law gives the way-too-old-for-this-shit teens a hard time about their lack of a costume and pillowcase bag, really? and you can't even say trick or treat? I like dressing up--reigning champ three years in a row say what? ladybug, glorious. bumble-bee, fabulous. Snookie, *insert your own jersey shore reference here* With Halloween approaching, at dinner one night I asked Lily what she would like to be. Her answer? a Christmas tree. After my eyes dried from laughing, I was all "really, Lily? a Christmas tree?" and she's all "yes, seriously." What? previous years ladybug and cat aren't up to par with your glorious idea of pine and presents? I'm not Chinese master sewer, where would one even find a pattern, do people really want to be Christmas trees for stuff? Yes, yes they do. Google is the answer to all life's questions, you don't know something about something, you google the shit out of it. Its like the holy grail of life, well to me anyway. Lo and behold, there are toddler Christmas tree costumes for a mere $49.99, complete with star, hole for face and presents as feet. Awesome. Just as I was really getting excited with this and all runnin' at the mouth with "think I won't order it" to my husband, she up and changes her mind. This is not ok, as unsure as I was about the Christmas tree idea, I really set out and embraced it and I just don't think I can settle for a bumble bee now. I will convince her and bring her back to the pine side, oh I will. Totally kidding, she can be whatever her little heart desires but don't think I won't leave the tree costume pictures all around the house covered in glitter to accent how freaking awesome it is.

I also just really like covering things in glitter.

We'd gotten two notices on our door from FedEx this week  that we had a package that had to be signed for. We thought by him leaving the notice that we could just sign the notice, put it back on the door and he'd swap the notice for the package. Turns out you have to sign for it in person. Problem is, he comes at 1:30, when the rest of the world is also, at work. We weren't even expecting a package so I got really excited, it must be a real treasure to need an in-person signature! My husband called to find out what exactly this treasure was and how we go about getting it, we weren't trying to drive all the way to FedEx in Fredericksburg for some mystery package that probably wasn't even for us. Turns out, it was for me! I love surprises! My excitement stops when they soon tell us, the are concert tickets. Concert tickets I ordered last Thursday for this Saturday's concert, I'd been expecting them in the regular ol' snail mail. Really? You need an in-person signature for Brad Paisley LAWN SEAT tickets? I didn't even pay for a seat, I stand in the lawn. Per the ticket company its their protocol to need someone in person so they would re-route the package to my work and mark it 'rush' and I should get it today. If not to call and they could give me a time frame of when they deliver Saturday. Awesome, I love coming into work on a Saturday just to sign for a package. This better make the $11 jiffy lube live beer taste like unicorns and rainbows 'cause I imagine that would be glorious.

I also just really like beer.

Random bits from this week:

People need not leave me in a waiting room for too long, self help pamphlets on being "addicted to porn" or "is the church leader touching you" make me giggly, thus making the serious meeting with a grin on my face, awkward. I laugh when I'm uncomfortable, thus making the majority of my encounters awkward. That's why I could never be a vagina doctor, or a butt doctor for that matter. I also have yet to get a bikini wax This has been on my list of to-do's, right next to paint the basement, for a year now. Take off your pants giggle, lay down and spread 'em wide giggle, rips hair follicles from my very sensitive area laughs uncontrollably. I wonder if they have experienced this type of wax-ee. I'm pretty sure they would talk about how awesome I am.

Warrenton has a 'happy ending' massage parlor. Seriously. One of my clients uses them and I know its an 'erotic' massage parlor because I did what was natural and googled it. Yep, I even categorized his expenses for the place as 'entertainment' so he knows I know. I'm slightly intrigued by it and slightly grossed out, but more grossed out then intrigued, that was a lie. I really want to know how you ask for a 'happy ending'. My husband suggested using the line "I want to blow some money...and a load" I almost pissed my pants laughing so hard, well, I probably did, when you have kids your bladder ain't what she used to be. Anyway, apparently $73 gets you a rub down in every sense of the word. And you know it ain't no Asian goddess givin' you the rub down, I'm sure its a little old Asian lady who probably can't even see which is why she's in this line of work anyway wearing a pair of rubber gloves, gettin' you down with the get down. I need to know, I feel like I need to send my husband in just to get the scoop and scope out the penis masseuse, not for any other reason than to tell our grandchildren this story. Hide yo' kids, Lily!

My weekend is going to be a good one, it's fat Friday and we're having pizza and watching Step Brothers at our best friends house and I'm going to spend far too much time Saturday curling my hair and putting make-up on for my once a year outing with my Brad Paisley girls. Have a glorious weekend, bloggy friends!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

junk of the heart

I love September. The evenings are a little cooler, the jackets are a little warmer and the run around pace of summer, simmers down. You pack away the red, white and blue and welcome the wine reds and harvest yellows. Sundays consist of burgandy & gold, world famous nachos and football on the big screen. Pumpkin spice and apple cider replace Tahitian winds and watermelon.  My favorite cooking spices line the cupboards and the baking pans move closer to the front of the cabinets. The moments when its summer in the sun and winter in the shade.  Knowing that the holidays are just around the bend. I've made a goal to have more gatherings, invite more people over, enjoy the company of the people that we love the most. Big dinners and candles at the dining room table, or just subs and fries while being crammed together at the small kitchen table. I was acknowledged by my boss with a really sweet card and $100 bonus and we ended up spending every dime in one night on dinner and drinks with friends. I had intended on buying shoes or a new fall purse and my husband said, "I think spending the money on memories is better than a pair of shoes, don't you?" And when you look at it like that, its not just dinner and drinks, it is memories and memories, unlike shoes, you will have forever.

Lily's been on this "when I grow up" kick. Anything we tell her she's good at, she wants to be that when she grows up. "You are a fast kicker!" "I'm going to be a fast kicker when I grow up!" same scenario with soccer player, princess, drawer (artist of some sort I'm assuming), swimmer, doctor (I do like the ring to that one!) and dancer. I love that the possibilities for her are endless and that she has the drive to be something, do something, even if she's too young to realize what it entails, she knows she's going to be, something. I'm not sure when we lose that drive, when we settle for the monotony of the day to day. Maybe money hinders us, or certain life decisions, maybe we don't like change as much as we think we do, maybe when we have kids we live through their dreams and live through supporting any goal they may have. I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up, I have ideas and thoughts and dreams and in the face of everything, in the face of life, the true dream is, being able to dream at all. I hope she tries every single thing she wants to be, I hope she puts her gloves right back on after being defeated and I hope she never stops dreaming. She inspires me to be better, to be something. She makes me want to re-think my goals and I realize it's never to late too start over, its never to late too chase dreams. Chase that butterfly girl, I'll be behind you the entire way.

It's rainy, I have my pumpkin spice latte in hand and Adele on Pandora. Have a good week, friends!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the friggin' preggo parade oh, & some real shit.

Shuttled Lily into her first ballet class, sans ballet or tap shoes so she totally rocked her first class in her DC's. It was as cute as it sounds. The little three year olds lined up in their pastel pink leotards, skirts and tights is probably them most angelic sight, ever. We waited with the parents in the waiting room while she came into her own element in class, never glancing back to see if mom and dad were there, we were of course, peeking in any change we got. Her class was to end at 5, so about a quarter till, the next age group started pouring in and along with that age group, were four pregnant moms, FOUR. I was stuck, in a tiny waiting room, with four freaking preggo's and not 'just barely showing' preggo's like, the baby's head may actually be crowing the cervix at any given moment preggo's. The freaking non pregnant to pregnant ratio was nuts, Seriously? am I being punked or some shit? Awesome. Maybe I should start drinking the water they have there, or just gouge my eyes out, since the first one I'm going to assume doesn't really work or I'd bathe in it, I'll go with the latter. WTF? I wasn't sure if I was in the wrong office, did I mistakingly end up at my OB's office? since I practically live there anyway. No, this was a freak case of the preggo parade somewhere that I least expected it. And the worst part will be, in a few weeks, all these preggo mom's will be toting in their newbies and I'll have to hear every single person "OoO" and "awww" over them. I will not be bitter. I will not be bitter. You know what would make dance class better? beer. I wish pregnancy was contagious, I would have rubbed up against all of them, in the most nonsexual way of course. The sperm would've been floatin' around that air I tell you what. Dear pregeth mothers of dance class, I hope all of your babies have big heads and you deliver vaginally. Sincerely, a skinny infertile who avoids you like the plague.

You know what preggo's can't do? Go to wine tastings with really awesome people. Be jealous preg's, be jealous. We met up at Old House Vineyards and spent some time with new friends, sitting out by the water and it was the most relaxed I've been in awhile. "Don't be afraid to fall in love. It's the only thing that matters in life. Fall in love with as many things as possible" I believe life is meant to be shared, the hard moments, the happy ones, every stage of life, every page in every chapter should be shared. We can reconnect with memories through people and each chapter has made you who you are. I believe I've been shown that people are brought into your life, exactly when you need them, whether you know it at the time or not, you are given who you need, before or after a crisis, before you're about to breakdown, before you're ready to give up, and each of these people have saved me from being everything I hate. Struggles make you strong, change makes you wise and the people I've met, are the wonders of my world. God makes no mistakes with the people you meet, with the people you fall in love with. I'm in love with wineries on Saturday afternoons with new best friends. I'm in love with sunshine on my shoulders and a really good rain. I'm in love with people. I'm in love with the smell of burning wood in the winter and sunscreen in the summer. I've found a new love in books. I'm in love with writing. I'm with love with songs that come on that take me back to a certain place, or person. I'm in love with laughter. I'm in love with with hearing 'mommy', even if its a thousand times a day, even if its being screamed. I have so much. I'm in, love.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

settin' fire, to the rain

I love weddings, the new love circling the air, the happiness that ensues in watching two people about to embark on the journey that will lead them into the rest of their lives, the food, the music, the toasts and my personal favorite, open bar. Just kidding, sort of. One of my oldest friends got married Saturday, during hurricane Irene, or should I say, IN hurricane Irene. Yes, my dear friend decided come hell or high water (how appropriate) that she was getting married, outside. The cute little white chairs lined up by a gorgeous lake setting, however, we couldn't sit in them because it was raining, its ass off. Not a light sprinkle, a downpour and a rips-umbrellas-apart wind. Luckily, most of us at least came prepared with umbrellas but the poor bridesmaids, groomsmen and bride and groom, were umbrella-less. It was her day, and we all did whatever the bride wanted and froze our asses off while making her day as special as she wanted it. I don't even know why I bothered to curl my hair, it ended up messy ponytail style on the top of my head because with my hair type add in some rain and humidity and I slightly resemble a lioness--and not one with glorious locks, the straggly one in the corner who was just roughed up. Awesome.  Not even a hurricane was going to stop them from getting married and its definitely a memory they can never forget. Sometimes at weddings I daydream about how I would 're-do' my wedding. And when I say 'sometimes' I really mean every single wedding I attend. I mean I'd have the same groom and everything but I was 18 when I tied the knot and don't really remember planning any of it, I think my mother vicariously lived through me, which actually was fine because it was pretty badass but there are small things that I would have liked to have been a part of, or change. Its all water under the bridge now yes, that IS another water reference, thank you. but a grown married woman can still dream, right? I'll just live through my daughter's wedding. She will like Lillie's and hand made invitations, damn it. and open bar of course, duh.

As infertiles, we generally steer clear from baby showers at all costs. If we absolutely have to go to one, we will, but we tend to hang out around the food, shoveling it in so no one has much time to ask when we're going to have our next and when they do, we'll usually mumble something through the crunching of the carrots and pretend like someone else is calling us. Well, that's what I do anyway. I got suckered into going to a baby shower Sunday for someone I don't even know, yeah, what the hell is wrong with me? This girl is young, doesn't have much family, her boyfriend's family isn't very accepting of their 'situation' and my boss' church was having a shower for her because she literally had nothing for the baby, that is due in September. Luckily I took Lily with me, so between her 50 bathroom trips, our searches to find any cool toys in a house with grown kids and her frequent snack table trips, I managed to miss most of the "OoOo's" and "Awwwww's" of the pink clothes and cute cards. You know what would make baby showers better? beer. Anyway, I actually made it through the whole thing without one person asking when I was going to have another, may have been the best baby shower I've ever attended, I mean most of the people were well in their 70's and 80's but whatever, I can totally roll with some 70 year olds if it means they don't give a shit when or if I'm having more kids. They leave my vagina out of the conversation and think its funny when my kid announces that "barbie has a butt!" mid-present opening. I bet they'd love a nice hot tottie too, just sayin.

Yes, Lily grace, in fact, Barbie does have junk in the trunk.

oh, and I got my period yesterday. Sometimes I want to curb stomp my ovaries. And when I say sometimes I mean every time I get my period. However, this will be a good week. A little loud music, my little one and a wild berry parfait from Wendy's to commence to a new month, brushing off the last and to remember exactly what I'm fighting for. A three day weekend, a winery trip with some new friends and Lily Grace starting ballet on Thursday. The deck getting completed, pushing through the hard moments, breathing in the happy ones and living each day, exactly as it is. Ain't not period gonna rain on my parade, I tell you what.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

detox, of sorts

Lily Grace started going to a babysitter at the ripe age of six weeks so leaving her with someone and to come back to her at the end of the day is nothing new to her, nor me however, she's been with the same group of kids, same provider for her entire life where rules weren't as strict, where a routine wasn't as planned and where most of the learning, was taught by leap frog and Dora. This was her first big step into the world of change and her journey into life. I'm excited for her and as we walked in, she hid behind a shy smile but by the time I left, she was already asking "Miss Cookie" if she could play with the paint. She's brave and as funny as it sounds, I gain a lot of strength from her. She's strong like her momma, and together we help each other. I did leave out the fact that she has had a terrible attitude lately, one of those, makes you want to hang yourself with the onion rings she's throwing, attitudes. I think the new routine, and the structure will coincide with helping contain her sassy girl ways, er god I hope so anyway. I know the first week or so may be a little difficult for her, that girl is set in her ways, another trait inherited from me. Its going to be a whole new realm for her and just the beginning of her future, nothing but up from here little one.

As she finds strength to barrel through her own emotional detox, I am doing the same. I keep busy, you know those worker bees that travel at insane rates of speed from flower, to flower, back to the nest, make a shit ton of honey and start all over? Yeah, add a shot of Monster energy and you have me. I have to keep my mind busy, busy on anything other than what it wants to drift off too. I clean, I cook, I rearrange, I clean some more, I even succumbed to washing Lily's car seat cover and if you've ever seen that thing, you'll know that's a half day project in itself, disgusting. I'll do whatever, to keep my mind straight. For the love of god, I even kept my dentist appointment yesterday just so I had some other purpose, something else to do. I then made a trip to the grocery store. What? Haven't you ever seen a woman with a gossip magazine, wine and steakums? This whole quit-whatever-habit-you-have 'cold turkey' thing is proving to be much harder than I thought, because no matter how busy you keep, or what other life happenings are going on, you still hurt and your heart, is still heavy. No amount of 'comfort' food is enough, the new phone that was supposed to keep you occupied for a few days, only keeps you occupied for a couple of hours. Every song on the radio seems to pertain to your exact situation. The only place I'm really able to let my guard completely down and let lose all emotion tied to this, is at the cemetery, with TJ. sounds depressing as hell, right? I promise, I'm not going to hang myself with onion rings.  You can throw yourself into anything but the pain, you can't outrun. It always finds a way to creep up inside of you, that black cloud seems to follow you around even on the sunniest of days and the more you try to block it out, the worse it gets. You have to deal with it, you have to cope with it and finally, accept it. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, my brother and I are a lot alike in that way, something about how we grew up, don't ask, dont tell. The easiest feelings to fake, are those to fool someone else and while holding all your emotion in and figuring it out in your head by yourself isn't healthy, I'm not one to burden any one with my shit. unless you're a faithful blog reader, then you get it all. Thanks, btw. I took the first big step, well, I was given a little shove in the right direction anyway, by deleting numbers from my phone, numbers attached to people, who are not healthy in my moving forward. This was hard, that step which may seem so simple, was actually one of the hardest because not only are you removing those numbers from your phone, but from your life. You are deleting people behind these numbers and no matter how unhealthy they are, they were still a part of your life and these decisions will make, or break you. Like a maple tree losing leaves in the fall, you feel lost and bare but I try to find some comfort in knowing that come springtime, you will be green and thriving, it gives you a sense that this isn't the beginning of the end, its only the beginning.

In other news, I finally had to call my DR office regarding my progesterone results from last Thursday, the nurse says "it looks like you're still not ovulating, so increase your Clomid to 150mg, or three pills." HELLO, Nurse, this is earth, where the fuck have you been? I haven't been on Clomid in a year, and what makes you freaks think it would work this time around when it never worked the first time. I told them I need an HSG, I know my body and I'm not wasting anymore time or money on medications that after 5 previous cycles, clearly do not work for me. If there's a blockage in the tubes, ain't no amount of Clomid going to get that freakin' egg to do pirouettes out of my tubes. Time for a new office? Yes, yes it is. I'm calling tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2011

hitting walls and getting scars, makes you who you are

I have a tendency to dwell on the past, relive moments and try to pick them apart and understand how each one molded me into the person I am. I tend to smoke the emotional crack pipe. I tend to tie smells and material things to people. I hate really floral smells or flower galleries, they all remind me of funerals and pain. Bustin' out the pumpkin spice candles to commemerate the begining of fall. The smell of coffee brewing reminds me of days when I was pregnant with Lily, that I would meet dad in the mornings before work. Vanilla Bean Frap's with extra caramel remind me of simpler days and a dear friend. Diesel trucks give me goosebumps. I am a firm believer that each person you encounter in life, is for a reason, that good things fall apart so better things can come together. I believe I find my strength in pain.  I am no longer burdened. My will, my faith and my body have been challenged but make no mistake, my heart is strong and my resolve to fight will never be broken.  Don't regret, if it's good, it wonderful. If it's bad, its experience. I know I have a tough few days, weeks, maybe months in front of me. I know I'm already on the path to a better me, a better wife and friend. I'm learning to wait out the storm with the people that mean the most to me. I'm learning just exactly who I am. I've made a mess of me, the person I've been lately ain't who I want to me, but you stay right here beside me and watch as the storm blows through, and I need you. A new me, a new chapter. Said leaf turning, starts now.

Had CD 21 blood work yesterday, er CD 28 for me because we all know how utterly awesome my ovaries are. I see a distinct shift in my chart so maybe I did ovulate this month, I should have those results today or Monday. This trip to the OB was the same as all the others--preggo's, sonograms floating around, happy smiling faces. I do my best to bury my head in my phone, even if I'm just looking at the same facebook posts over and over again, beats the hell out of looking through a pregnancy magazine. Blood work appointments are pretty fast, in and out in a couple minutes usually. When I'm leaving the office and walk out of the door back into the waiting room, where everyone stares you down for a baby bump, sometimes I pretend that the blood work was for a pregnancy test, maybe other people wonder that too, or maybe I'm just crazy. I'm not denying the fact that I'm crazy, btw. Work is still consuming my life and between the infertility and extreme loneliness, I've ditched the pretend cats and traded them for a parrot, a cool parrot named Lewis. I'm just kidding, but really, if I start talking about how Lewis shits everywhere and I'm sick of cleaning it up, for the love of god save me. It's Friday, its a gorgeous morning, one of those morning that reminds you that fall, is just around the corner. For some reason, you can't help but be happy on these mornings, even with all that's going on in life. The coffee is a little better, the sun is a little brighter and the little in the backseat welcoming the morning rays, is a little sweeter.

Sweet jesus Lewis, hold yourself together.

Bring on life, happy weekend friends!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

fire in the sky, can't you see that all my castles are burning?

Bridges. We walk them. We jump from them. We stand in awe of their structural beauty. We watch them crumble into small fragments of debris after explosions and most certainly, we burn them. Sometimes unintentionally, sometimes knowing full well that's exactly what we're doing but always, it always hurts to see the wreckage, and to feel the aftermath of a fire in the sky. To pick up the pieces that are left behind seems to be harder than leaving them there to form as one with their surroundings. I'm learning just how devastating this can be. I'm right in the middle of it, ash falling onto my shoulders, watching my world through shattered pieces of glass.
Sometimes I feel as though I'm the ghost of a total stranger and I can see things happening right in front of me but no matter what I do, the outcome doesn't change. I know I always say all the right things and yet, I still can't change. Why is it so hard? There is nothing wrong with change as long as its in the right direction. I can see all the elements of my life that I need to change and for the life of me, can't. I've never had a weight problem but I imagine its a lot like that. Just one more muffin won't hurt, but then you are devastated when you step on the scale, yet time and time again, you give in. Its a vicious cycle and pain itself, is an addiction. Compromise, you can't always get what you want, give a little, get a little. You can seclude yourself in this cocoon you create of your life but eventually, reality will bite you in the ass. You don't come out a glorious butterfly, you wake up in the real world where things are nothing as they seemed. You come out beaten and bruised and in a world that is nothing like the one created in your head. But you have to open your eyes, you have to take on reality, guns blazing. We all have a weakness, a strength. We're all good at something, terrible at something else. We give and take and these elements make us who we are. I believe if you're not going to do something, be something or adventure into something who heartily, then there is no point in doing it. If you're not going to give it your all, don't do it at all. I also know that being a hard head comes with a price, it can make you appreciate everything on another level or, it can make even the easiest elements of life, difficult. Some things though, you can't learn the hard way. Some things, you have to know before its too late. You can chose to have the life you want to live, even if that means slapping a band aid over a hole in your heart, even if you feel like that hole will remain in your heart for the rest of your life, you can chose to keep that band aid over it, and move on. You can chose what's right for your family over what you want. That's the great thing about life, the possibilities are endless and there are options, even in the worst of situations. The problem is, finding the strength to push against the pain in your heart and be a better person, be a better you, build your character and have faith that whatever decision you make, was the right one. No looking back, only pushing forward. My husband is amazing and is taking our situation remarkably well, it shows his character, his strength and his love for our family. His views and faith that making it over this speed bump in our road, will only make our bond stronger. I have to be better, stronger and face the pain of this head on. There are no solutions, no easy answers to pain, you just have to fight through it, because you can't outrun it and life always makes more.  "Well it seems as if all my bridges have been burned, But you say that's exactly how this grace thing works. Its not the long walk home that will change this heart, But the welcome I receive with the restart.."

I've learned that even the most irrevocable damage can be forgiven but the scars will forever remain. I'm learning that the bridge, can be rebuilt. It may take months, it may take years but that bridge can be rebuilt. I'm learning that its not what life throws your way, its how you react to it and above all I'm learning that "faith makes things possible, not easy."