There's good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad.
It monsoon rained here a few days last week and the UPS guy left my $80 Sperry's in a box on my front step without ringing the doorbell. Not only leaving them out ALL night, but the box was completely soaked and the shoes were damp, good thing they were too big and I have to exchange them anyway. Fail.
It's Monday morning and I love getting Monday morning emails from my mother bitching about something I did (or didn't do). Some times I really understand why people move far, far away. Fail.
And the good...I'm almost 99% sure I DID ovulate! Yay, body! I got a positive OPK on CD 18. This time change is really messing with my temp though, I'm not sure that it has any effect on it or not, so we'll see what it does over the next few days. I had good O signs, I never get O signs. And if I must say so myself, I had fabulous CM for the swimmers to glide in! This will be a good month.
My in laws took Lily for the very first time overnight Saturday. I always knew she would do fine with them, I just took so long because in the beginning she criticized me for everything. I felt so inadequate as a mother, so as payback, I never let her watch Lily. She's gotten better about the comments as Lily has gotten older and I've gotten better about handling the "I feel bones" comments. SO, it was time. Anyway, we went out with my brother and his fiance. We went to a great little Mexican restaurant first, had our 32oz Margs and it was still early. We went to this little dive bar down the street, however it wasn't really 'happening' so I googled The Pub which was in walking distance from where we. The main part of the restaurant is a reservation only place, very expensive and high class, none of which fit my criteria, so we thought the pub would be fine. We walked around to the the back of the building (the pub was under the restaurant) and were greeted by this Big Black wanna-be bouncer. There was no cover charge until 9:30 and it was 9, so he checked our ID's and informed to us that it was "R&B night, Motown in heah" (he meant 'here' but had this overkill country accent he was working.) He kept repeating that it was Motown night what? because we're four stand-out-like-a-sore-thumb white people we don't like Motown? Let us show you how white people do Motown, bitch. He noticed my brother's pocket knife and held onto it because they weren't allowed, unsure that he was every going to see it again, my brother handed it over and in we went. Holy shit, this is like out of a movie. It was probably the shadiest place I've ever seen in my life. This underground pub consisted of old school sex booths (I'm not even sure what those are but that's the only way I can describe them) a few random people scattered throughout, we were definitely the minority age and color wise. The floor by the bar was old Corona cartons flattened out and the only decor was a giant 500 pound buffalo head. We went to the bathroom in pairs, that kind of shady. The band was setting up so we ordered drinks and sat down. The manager came by and let us know that at 9:30 we each had to pay a $10 cover charge but if we left by 9:45 then we didn't. We chugged the sex on the beach an whipped pinnacle and got the hell out of there, pocket knife included. We left there and went home to partake in some fabulous baby making!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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