Today should be O day! However, I'm not entirely convinced that it is :/ My OPK yesterday was negative and it normally is until O day, the only day I ever get a complete positive is on O day but I was hoping for a better line yesterday. I guess tomorrow mornings temp will tell! I was so ready for this cycle to be it, now I'm feeling discouraged. If I have an anovulatory cycle than I'll need to go in and have another HSG done before I start ovulating again, I just got done paying off the last one, in May of last year. I'll use my last opk this afternoon when I get home. Come on body, the set up this month is perfect! If I don't get a nice fertile egg this month I'm going to punch my ovaries!
I left work a little earlier Tuesday to take Lily to a DR appointment. We get signed in and sit on the 'sick' side, I hate that side. The side with rosie cheeked kids with fluids coming out of all of their orifices. Of course Lily has to play with the giant bus in the middle of the room, along with the bodily fluid faced kids. Luckily our wait was short this time. She ended up having a mild sinus infection so we left there and went directly to the pharmacy to pick up her antibiotic. A 20 minute wait there, not so bad when there is a blood pressure machine for your kid to use as a computer! I don't care if I was getting dirty looks from the pharmacy techs, would you rather her be screaming because she can't play with it? I think not. Anyway, we finally got on the road home about and hour after normal. I was speeding, I speed. I'm not a rule follower, my husband can't cook, my kid has to pee and my list of 'to-do's when I get home is enormous. Que police car. A police car that was pacing me for god knows how long before I happened to look in my rear view to blue lights. What kind of idiot speeds with a cop right behind her? I didn't even know they could stop you for 'pacing' with you, I thought it had to be on radar. Apparently not. He politely asked if there was a reason why I was speeding. because 55 is entirely too slow, my kids bladder is the size of a walnut, my phone is dead and I'm hungry. I responded with a lame "No, there really isn't" I would have gotten three tickets: Speeding, no seat belt (yes I know, I'm horrible!) and my drivers license hasn't been updated with my new address BUT he ran out of tickets. Yes, you heard that right. The cop. ran out. of tickets. He then proceeded to follow me all the way to town, another 20 minutes away down a two lane road. I wanted to speed anyway. What was he going to do? Pull me over again? None the less, I was one lucky girl!
Well, I'm off to run a few errands, pick up some ingredients for a bangin' dessert I'm making for our friends who are coming over for pizza tonight and get a little gift for my brothers gf's birthday. We're celebrating at Pancho's with 32 oz margs. If this cycle is a failed one, at least I'll have a belly full of comfort food and maybe be de-sensitized from the margs. Or maybe I can be celebrating in my own way for my body cooperating with me.
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