Happiness. I think if we all thought of it as a state of mind, a mood, rather than a destination, people would find happiness a lot more often. It can be as simple as an ice cold cup of water waiting for you after you've made yourself run two miles. It can be as sweet as the tea you're sipping in the company of good friends. I can be as beautiful as seeing your first spring blooms popping through the mulch and feeling like its Christmas morning because you can't remember what you planted in the fall. It can be as rewarding as seeing your almost three year old doing something on her own, that you only showed her how to do, moments before. It can come in the form of a tiny pill that gives you so much hope for this month's cycle. It's random texts from people who are cheering you on from the sidelines. Its a fresh coat of paint on a wall that you've been neglecting far too long. It's pumpkin spice in the fall and a frappacino in the summer. It's dinner parties with new friends or celebrating a birthday with 13 of your favorite people and laughing so hard that you're in tears. Happiness is all around us. Live in that moment, drink it in. Happiness is a mood, so it comes and goes. Be happy, now.
On another note, that almost three year old I was talking about? Not happy. Happiness has been far from her range of emotions lately. I remember at her two year appointment, the DR asked about her behavior and such and told me that for girls, their "terrible two's" tend to happen at three. I laughed, if we make it through these two's than I can handle threes. Clearly he went home that night and make a voo-doo doll of yours truly and pinned in right in my patience. She's a really good girl, she's always slept well, listened pretty well but here lately I'm almost positive she's the spawn of Satan. Belligerent, bossy, dramatic three's. Bad things come in three's right? If this is just the beginning then we are in for one hell of a ride. You know the mom on the news who leaves her kids at home and drives her minivan into the river? I know why she did it--Three's. Dear lord of the three's, please let me not be that mom, give me the strength to not turn into Hulk and destroy her toys, bless me with with 20 minutes of me time to partake in a nice shower or running sesh preferably a shower that does not involve me crying in the corner with cold water running because I don't want to get out or a running sesh that does not include blasting the stereo ridiculously loud to drown out the whining. With these things, I think I may make it through the three's. These things and margs.
"You've got to ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky?' "Well, do ya punk?" THE Clint Eastwood is coming to our town, our little town. He will be here tomorrow, he will bring with him the most noise our town has ever heard. He's producing a movie and starring Leonardo DiCaprio (hollerrr!). The scene they are doing is located at the courthouse, 2 blocks from my work. Am I going to try and get a sneak peek you ask? Hell yeah! Our courthouse is one of the nicest courthouses, ever. It still has all of the original architecture and stadium seating. I mean, I haven't actually witnessed the courtroom and plan to never see it ever unless its in a big movie directed by Clint Eastwood. However, an auditor I work with frequents courthouses and said ours is that good. There will be many street closures and a few mad business owners but whatever, its Clint Eastwood, bitches.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Oh that is so true about happiness. You just have to look for it and you can find it everywhere, although I know it's hard to do sometimes. As far as the 3's, I remember there was a time with Cameron but I think I have blocked it out of my brain so that I can't remember it lol...