A strong woman believes that she's strong enough to face her journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in this journey that she will become strong.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"you'll never guess who's pregnant"

Not me.

My SIL's sister, Ms. unstable, gypsy soul, on again off again ufc wanna be boyfriend, kids are a financial burden, I don't want any" is pregnant. Seriously? seriously. Maybe I should give her lifestyle a try, ward off any future financial burdens I may have and maybe, just maybe it will happen for me. Lily was in our future financial burden's room today and we were talking about brothers and sisters and she asked where her sister is? Heaven. He/she is in heaven. In heaven with God and TJ and we need to tell them to send him/her down to us. While Ms gypsy get a surprise, unwanted baby, our much wanted, already loved baby is still in heaven, waiting for us. Yay, me. This is the infertile club, the worst club you could ever be in.

I got my positive opk on CD 21 so I o'd between then and today. Hubby and I got all our bases covered so now we're onto the TWW, the longest two weeks of every cycle. Hubby changed the brakes in my car while I painted the hallway upstairs. We had a pretty low-key day of daunting household chores and of course, more potty training. Its, going, going better than last time but with out a doubt is far from over. When she wears her big girl panties I put a waterproof pad on the couch to avoid pee soaked couches, it totally looks like a puppy pad but whatever. Panties work better than pull-ups, at least she realizes she's peed.

Tomorrow I'm making valentines cupcakes and cards with my little valentine. Followed by dinner with my family, a great way to end my weekend.

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