Three days down, two to go and then its just the 3-9 day wait for O! With my previous attempts at Oing with Clomid, I would O around CD15-16, so I'm hoping the same for this go round. I'm really amped (yes, I just said amped) about this cycle. I even cut to de-caff coffee, this is monumental! Hub has his s/a this week, finally. I expect it to be totally normal but at least we'll know.
My eating routine is almost back to normal however I did enjoy the ice cream, banana cookie pudding and applesauce diet while it lasted. I was actually really surprised at how fast it was, 20 minutes to numb, 10 to pull. He pulled the first one and I said "seriously? its out already?" it may have come out more blurred than that seeing how chipmunk cheek syndrome was in full affect. I was out of the office in 30 minutes, way better than being put under and like $400 cheaper, hollaa! I'm not good with seeing-your-own-blood type stuff. When I was admitted to the hospital to have Lily, the nurse was trying to put my IV in and messed up and my blood started squirting everywhere--que pale face, rapid heartbeat, cold sweat and passing out. Ever since that episode I'm all nervous about giving blood, taking blood anything blood related freaks me out now.
I've come to realize how blessed I am to have the hub, as a dad. He's not a 'normal' dad, he's amazing. He doesn't drive 45 minutes to drop his kid off so he can sleep in, he misses her when she's been gone 5 minutes. He endures hours of Barney or Elmo for the chance to lay on the couch with her while she eats her popcorn and asks him to pass her juice. He dances with her at the end of her favorite movie, much in the way he will dance with her at her wedding. He exudes so much love for that little pixie of ours and I am so thankful for him, for that. He never complains about the way my mood changes with the wind regarding our infertility issues. He's my backbone and the structure in which we will continue to build our family. I can't wait to make him a dad again and if I can't, then I know Lily will bless us more than we'll ever know.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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