Potty training isn't for the weak hearted. For those of you who don't know, we attempted potty training in November and it was an epic fail. I read in a magazine to put your kid in regular panties, so they can feel that they are wet and set a timer for every 5 minutes so they are sure to make some sort of 'deposit' into the toilet. Sounds pretty simple, right? Maybe if your kid is a robot! She peed on the couch, on the floor and although she didn't like it, it didn't stop her from doing it, not to mention getting a two year old to sit down anywhere for five minutes is a challenge. We tried for about two hours and switched to pull-ups, that's what they are made for, potty training. However they are pretty much diapers that 'pull-up' so she did not mind peeing in them at all, keeps her from missing her favorite episode of Barney that she's seen 150 times. She ended the two hours with "No like it!" FINE BY ME! It was awful, all the candy, praise and stickers in the world weren't going to convince her that using the potty was awesome. Her BFF at daycare, along with two other half pints are potty training now, so I figured now is the time. She was over the moon excited that her bff used the potty and she decided she's ready for pull-ups and big girl panties. I sent her in this morning with three extra pull ups and a tiny reminder to use the potty. Her bff may have just saved my life! The babysitter lines them all up to use the potty and if they use it, they get an m&m. If that's not motivation I don't know what is. I have to say that being a working mom, I do get a little extra help in the potty training area, I mean the babysitter will be stuck with most of the work Mon-Thurs. 7:30-4. I'm a little relieved because i was not looking forward to going at the task alone. Don't judge me.
I talked to my SIL (who by the way has a beautiful three month old) for the first time in about 3 weeks, we've both been busy and its been hard to catch up. She sent me a text first thing yesterday morning that says "any news?" So, is this your idea of catching up? Every time I see her, the first words out of her mouth are "any news?" just shove the knife in my gut in a little further when I have to respond with "it wasn't our month". Not to mention she asks at all the wrong times. I mean I'm not asking her to write down my menstrual cycle on her calender but obviously if I just o'd two days ago, I don't have news. Thank GOD for my inner circle friends. I've got three friends who don't ask if I have news, they don't bother me about why my ovaries aren't working, they don't send me stupid articles on losing weight for fertility. They are just there, even though they don't quite understand all the ttc stuff, they listen. They know its a struggle for me and don't look at me with sympathetic eyes. Yes, I long for a baby in my arms but I know that it will happen for me, naturally, medically, invasive--it will happen, just not on my timing and they get that. They give me the strength I need to get out of whatever slump I'm in and push through.
I think I ovulated on CD 19, two days ago! We got some seriously good BD'ing in too (like 5 days in a row good!). I should get my CH's on FF tomorrow and I'll post my chart if I do. I'm feeling a bit worn out this cycle, I'm tired. I'm tired of temping, tired of 'scheduled' sex, tired of trying so hard for something and getting nothing. I feel like all we have is 'just in case' sex, just in case I'm ovulating, just in case I haven't ovulated. My hub, of course, has no problem with any form of sex, yet, anyway.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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