We kicked off Sunday by going to church, we haven't been in months and haven't been to the church in our new town since moving there in September. It's not actually my church, my hub is a member and it's important to him that we try and go at least once a month. I don't mind going now that we're in a different ward than the in-laws (ha!). I go in hope that some one's story will completely change my life.
After church we headed to the mall to do a little shopping, then took Lily to Chuck E Cheese. This Chuck E Cheese is fairly sketchy, sometimes the skee ball games have no balls, the people there are from other planets and kids are insane. I dont' know why we even made the 45 minute trip for her to spend most of it in fear that Chuck was after her. She rode a few rides, the hub played a few games and we were OUT. We left there and went to a Super Bowl party. My team wasn't in the Superbowl but we still celebrated by going to a small get together with my Mullins family. We had been invited to a party in our neighborhood by a friend we went to HS with. We just started getting together with him, his wife and daughter, however his wife and my SIL have just become bff's after meeting and I get completely ignored (are we IN HS again?) besides, he was inviting a bunch of other dbag's from HS and the hub and I didn't feel like being ignored the whole time, not my idea of a good time. It was nice at the Mullins--no daunting questions about baby number 2, good food, beer and all my favorite people in one room. There is something serene to being around them, they aren't my actual 'family' in a biological sense of the word but they might as well be. We didn't end up getting home until 10:30 and I still had to shower, get some BD'ing in and write out bills, so we didn't get to sleep until about midnight, coffee is my bff this morning!
CD 18 today, should be o'ing any day now. My opk was negative on Saturday but there was a definite line, just not as dark as the control so I'm hoping maybe today or tomorrow. I've got such high hopes for this cycle, as do I every other cycle. I really hope I'm not setting myself up to be crushed. I've been taking my prenatal's everyday, I didn't even do that when I was preg with Lily! I cut WAY back on caffeine, I limit it to one caffeinated drink a day and for the most part I don't even do that. I've got nothing else to do, but wait.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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