You know what I miss? My old gynecologist. He was just an gyno, no OB so I had to switch when I got pregnant with Lily but I miss how personable he was and possibly I miss his waiting room the most. The quiet lull of the fish tank, the receptionist that you could faintly hear on the other side of the glass, Home & Garden magazines and a small office with no one eyeing your belly for a bump. Fast forward to today. My current ob/gyn, ever heard the phrase "herding turtles"? yeah, I'm just a number in a long line of preggo's at this place. The waiting room is always full of parenting and baby magazines, preggo's and new moms waiting for their 6 week 'can we have sex now' check up with newbies in tow. Its like a mine field for an infertile, no matter where you look or step, there is something baby related that makes your eyes well up. I love my DR but he happens to be so ADD it isn't even funny. In the same stretch of breath he asked me what was wrong, read my memorial bracelet and asked why I have a pair of jeans in my purse.
They are for Lily btw, my purse doubles as a diaper bag, clearly doc. I've also been to the office enough times for the nurses to know me on a first name basis and ask me if I feel like the office is my second home but my DR can NEVER remember my situation. I mean, I don't expect him to know everything but seriously? Am I on birth control? Are we trying? And also the fact that the surgery he did in '09 on me is one of only like 3 he does a year. Welcome to the get a clue corp. doc, leave a message. I know he delivers thousands of babies and sees countless vagina's a day but can you once remember one little detail of my existence, that I'm DESPERATELY trying to be pregnant. My original appointment was scheduled for June 2nd so since I was in here for something unrelated I knocked out two birds with one stone
or rather two bills with one stone and asked him about the scar tissue and possible D&C, that the hub's doctor mentioned when he went in for his s/a. Long story short, I would be having painful periods along with painful cramping if scar tissue were the case, so, still no answers. Big surprise, right? My crappy withered cervix won't even allow ONE of 75 million proud, eager sperm to enter her fortress. What a bitch.
every time I read your post I laugh, not at your pain by any means but in the way you write, You have a unique perspective that i can really appreciate. ..Cami's doc used to always think she was a boy bc of her name and didn't bother to look around before opening her mouth and she saw her all the time as a baby. I got so fed up and found a new one.