The party was a hit and the rain for the most part held off until the end. Fairy houses have been painted, dried and are in the rooms of Lily's best friends. The pixie sticks in the goody pails have long been emptied. A Princess vanity, barbies and Dora guitar have found their new place in our home. Grass-stained tights have been washed and put away. Pictures hold the memories of a day celebrating the littles life on earth. I have the most amazing people in my life, the mist, overcast and cooler than normal temperatures didn't keep anyone from coming. I'm blessed in so many ways. When I step out of the box and look in and see this three year old little girl with a big heart and an even bigger attitude, who poses with her hands on her hips, who talks in song and has such a genuine love for life, it takes my breath away. I can learn so much from her. She thinks she needs me but really, I need her.
The rest of the weekend was completely uneventful. I didn't even brush my teeth yesterday until 3pm sexy, right? We spent most of the day finding homes for toys, cleaning and we did a lot of movie watchin' on the couch. I finished up the wedding favors for my brothers upcoming wedding. The dirt has been filled in pots and the sunflower seeds have been planted, now, if only I can keep them from looking like any other plant I've ever owned than we'll be in good shape. This is a lot of pressure and commitment for me to get them sprouting and keep them alive for three more weeks. If I fail, I'm totally just going to get fake ones and replace them. Good friends always have a back-up plan. I met the bride for dinner at a new Mexican place it was so sub par to El Agave btw and a bud light of course and was asked to do the toast at the wedding. I think my first reaction seemed to frighten her, I'm not a public speaker, it scares the shit out of me but I kicked my fear to the side and am totally excited about it! The only other place since HS that I've done any public speaking was at my friends funeral service and if I can get through that without looking like a rambling ratard Hangover reference there, I just said that in my best Alan voice then I can kick a wedding toast's ass! Maybe I'll be able to gather further motivation if I sit close to the keg! We'll be surrounded by a bunch of friends and family and people I know so I'm just going to wing it and speak from the heart without getting all non-preggo hormonal. I'm honored to play such a big part in their special day and couldn't be more excited for them to start their life together. Wait a second, I may have a toast right there! ;)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago
we had a great time. We ended up at the park twice yesterday, but overall it was pretty relaxing. I totally know what you mean about public speaking, good luck. I know you will do great!!