My mood changes with the wind. My likes and dislikes differ from day to day. My favorite song skips to something different each week. Variety. I like variety except when it comes to jelly beans, I only like the pink ones in that case.There are four different beers to chose from in my refrigerator. I have three pairs of sunglasses in my car. I live my life like my song collection. Ke$ha. Zac Brown Band. Mumford & Sons. Maybe this goes along with the lines of my problem with indecision or the fact that my parents have their routine down to the friggin' second and I have vowed never to live life like that. Maybe having variety makes it easier for me to chose. I chose to go au-natural this month, clearly the meds didn't work the past few months so like my hair today, beach hair, right out-the-ocean waves hair, natural. I get lost in the tides sometimes with all the infertility stuff and like any other part of my life, don't want 'routine' with it. I met my friend (from childhood so we're not like real tight) at the park last night and of course the "are you going to have another anytime soon?" question came up and I told her about my struggle, especially since the procedure in 2009 and she feels the need to tell me at one point in the conversation that she's isn't having ANY more and she wanted the DR to do a hysterectomy and remove her whole uterus. Seriously? you think this is an appropriate time to tell me this? Why don't you just take your fertile uterus out right now and slap me in the face with it? I would totally pick it up up off the ground and rush to the DR to see if we could recycle it in my body, by the way. She also asked me in the same stretch of breath if her new OBGYN would laugh if her "who-ha" was shaved. WHERE do I find these people? First, I laughed, I wasn't prepared for that. Secondly, I don't know but if I were an OB I would prefer a clean cut vag, just sayin'. Lastly, there are still people who don't shave? Clearly, I have a variety of friends, some sweet, some badass, some who tell me exactly like it is, some who are fertile and some who are all those combined. Their variety is exactly what I need in my life. I like my life, its like walking into the nail salon and having all those nail polish colors to chose from, you just stand there for five minutes looking through them, grabbing one, switching it with another and finally choosing the color for that day. I like this way of life, the options are endless and no matter which color you end up picking, its always the right one.
A computer virus wrecked my boss' computer Monday morning awesome, right? or so I thought. I left at 10:00 Monday and spent the day at home switching Lily's winter clothes out to summer (we skipped Spring here in VA) and making wedding favors for my brothers upcoming wedding, I put the goody bags (or pails!) together for Lily's birthday and had a beer at 3:00, it was a really fabulous day off. I went in Tuesday as we were told the computer should be back at 8 AM, got there on time and got a call that it would be ready that afternoon, as this is a really busy payroll week we were feeling a little nervous but what are you going to do? we can do absolutely nothing without our computers (if hers is down, mine is useless since they are networked) so I ran a few errands in town, went tanning, got a sweet tea from Chick Fil A yes friends, I refrained from the milkshake! and killed some time in the bookstore. They didn't carry two of the three books I was looking for but they did have the third, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I found a comfy spot to sit at and let the book take me away and oh did it. Ever since losing my dear friend, I've been so interested in learning more about where he is at and what he is feeling and within the first couple chapters of this book I got this overwhelming calmness, a feeling of peace in knowing where he is. It goes on to say that every single person you meet here on earth has a purpose in your life, whether you remember them or not, whether they were just your cashier at the store or a passing glance, every person you have ever met has been for a reason. I left off there, checking my phone it was almost noon, as in afternoon so I figured I should get back to work. I didn't buy the book, I couldn't put it down but had already gotten crap from the hub about spending money tanning and running errands normally I disregard his money spending remarks because I work too you know but I figured he was right so I put it back and left. I have not stopped thinking about it since, I'm going back today to get it, I have to finish reading it, its one of those books that you can sit down at nap time and finish before the little wakes up. that good. Anyway, long story short our computer was not back until 8AM THIS morning, we had to do TWELVE payrolls in 8 hours because people ain't going to be happy if they can't get their paychecks Friday, but we did it. with the help of an extra cup of coffee and the volume on Pandora turned up a little, we kicked today's ass.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago
Oh how I love reading your blog! Love the nail salon comparison!