A strong woman believes that she's strong enough to face her journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in this journey that she will become strong.

Monday, April 18, 2011

infertility adventures & a temp rise!

Oh wait, whats that I see? A temp rise! I'm either 4DPO or 1DPO, either way I'm onto the two week wait! I guess its better late than never, right? Its funny how a temperature can either make or break you. I used to take my temperature and look at the number as soon as I took it, bad idea, you could never fall back asleep because either a.) you were so mad that it wasn't what it should be or b.) you couldn't wait to get that sucker entered into fertility friend so you could actually see the awesomeness that the temperature was. I take it, the thermometer saves it and I look at it when I am up for good. This system works much better for me, especially on days that my temperature has satisfied me and has me feeling good. Other things that have me feeling good today? A hot cup of coffee from the amazing bakery two blocks from my office, delivered by the maintenance man--an older, speaks from the heart, loves to fish, genuine good person. A new bra that I spent way to much money on at Victoria's secret but it makes my boobs look good. The good leftovers for lunch awaiting me in the fridge, bbq that slow cooked all day yesterday and all the favorite fixin's that go with it. An impromptu trip to Redbox and to get ice cream on Friday evening alone--as in just my ipod, my purse and myself. An at-home pedicure for me and the little, matching piggies makes her happy. It may be Monday, but Monday is looking good.

As good as I am at trying to find the good in things one thing I'm not good at, is making decisions. I'm the most indecisive person you will ever meet. I can't make a decision on anything, ever. Its not that things aren't good enough or I spend hours stressing over things, its just I genuinely don't care and not a I'm a bitch and don't care but a whatever decision is made is fine with me don't care. I'm just really easy going, I can't ever chose the restaurant in a group of friends because I can find something from anywhere that I'll like, I like trying new places, I'll carry a shirt around Kohl's for an hour and put it back at the last minute because I finally figure I don't really need it. I'll spend half an hour choosing between the same shoe in two different colors because I can't decide which one I like more. I like it when the hub sees a road and wonders where it goes and I say "Go down it, lets see!" I.love.adventures. Adventures of any kind. Adventures in the sense of new roads or new recipes, new experiments and adventuring into the unknown mind of a three year old which, by the way, you will never understand. I love the uncertainty that comes along with it and the free feeling you get when you're on a road with nowhere you have to be and you have all the time in the world to get there. I'm really trying to use this same adventure passion and introduce it to my infertility struggle. I'm 25, I've got plenty of time to have more kids, this struggle is just another adventure, a try a few different roads until you get where you're going adventure. Its not going to be my infertility struggle anymore, its my infertility adventure. I see nothing but open roads and opportunities.

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