HA. Yes, dear, I can feel my eggs drop. That would solve ALL of every one's TTC problems, ever. Sometimes my humorous hub is my only sanity in the long days waiting to O. He did suggest, however, that he have another s/a done. His last one was done 4 years ago before Lily was conceived--all was well then but it doesn't hurt to check now. He said he has pain off and on in the 'lower region'. Hmm, you don't think you could have mentioned this 14months ago? He had vericocele surgery 4 years ago and it bothers him off an on, so we'll see. I'm going to call today and set that up. If it does come back low that just makes the IUI all more the answer, which I've been seriously contemplating doing anyway.
We may add a new member to the family, a cute little min-pin! (miniature pinscher) The hub always said if we HAD to have a dog it would be a min-pin because they are small but still manly. All I heard was "I want a min-pin!" My friend works at the SPCA in my county and one was turned in THAT day (what are the chances?). She is about a year old, is being spayed today and can be adopted tomorrow! I'd like to go spend some time with her and see how Lily likes her and I've already named her--Ava. I know, that's horrible, considering we haven't seen her, my hub hates dogs and we have no dog stuff. Dogs are good for kids, he and I both had them growing up and I think it will help me, take my mind off all the ttc stuff. He thinks I want one to fill the void of not being successful at having another baby and maybe in a way I am but in the end, it would be good for all of us.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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