A strong woman believes that she's strong enough to face her journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in this journey that she will become strong.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

funny how a melody sounds like a memory

Hey baby, I'm a rockstar

It’s that time again, yes, Lily Grace’s birthday. Didn’t I JUST plan a birthday party for her? Seriously. How has this year flown by so quick? From where I sit in my office I can see the hospital she was born in, it’s funny, no matter how much time ever passes, I will always remember every single detail of that day that changed my life forever. So much has changed for her over this year. It’s hard not to get super emotional this go around when thinking of it. That kid is a monster, and I mean that in the best possible way. She’s gone through things that three year olds shouldn’t. She’s felt emotions that shouldn’t be tapped into until much later in life. She is a trooper. A mf’n monster! She’ll be the first to tell you what’s on her mind, whether good or bad, whether you want to hear it or not and even if it hurts. She’s walked one of the hardest lines in life, and though the balance on that line isn’t over, she maintains perfect form while doing it. I couldn’t be more proud of her, she inspires me every day to be better. This year’s birthday theme is Tangled and we’re doing the party, together. I haven’t seen most of my husband's family since the separation and aside from one of them (who won’t even be there) I have no ill feelings, I’m actually kind of excited to see them, I know some may not feel in the excitement to see me but I’m hoping it’s not awkward for anyone. It’s about Lily, it’s her day and I think with the legion of love we all share for her, we can bypass the awkwardness for two hours. We are all entwined together forever and though the love once shared between two families may not be as strong as it once was, it’s still there and a part of our hearts will always reside a small piece for one another. Lily is a piece of all of us, which makes her so perfect and the reason I know there will be an unprecedented amount of love shown for her on her big day.

"Dreams aren’t meant to be understood any more than tragedy can be averted. Life happens to us. We learn to be grateful when things are good and to count our blessing when things are bad. And the only certainty in all of it is that it all just keeps happening.” I have moments of happiness, moments of sadness, moments where I push the bruise to feel the pain. I have yet to let myself heal, I don’t know that I ever fully will, maybe when my husband finds happiness that part can begin for me, maybe when Lily’s “bad” nights are no more. I get stuck in this in between of carrying everyone’s hurt and moving forward with my own happiness but I’m ok with it. I know time does its part in healing. I know I can’t dwell on things I can’t change because life does move on, with or without you. And when I do let myself feel moments of happiness, oh it’s good. Chatting with a girlfriend, hearing “I love you momma”, fishing with your hair curled and nails done with someone who makes you momentarily forget all that you are holding on your shoulders, sitting in the sun with the greatest support system anyone could have and SUMMERTIME (ok, I’m jumping the gun on that one but with these warm days, it gets me stoked). My job is going great, these doh-doh birds had no idea what they were doing however when they hired me to work with my coworker. She is exactly like me. Frightening, right? Two of us in one office, it’s pretty much the best day of people’s lives, or so I like to think. She cusses and likes wine as much as I do. I’m trying to get the guys to paint a giant mural of our faces on the wall. I’d like a unicorn body. And maybe my normal color hair. And possibly with Justin Beiber riding me, not in a dirty way. I may or may not have been kidding about the last part. The amount of coffee I’ve had today is starting to make my wirey so the last half of this post might be random, apologies. I took Lily to a rescue zoo a few weekends ago to avoid going to the National Zoo on a Saturday. It was an hour drive and $15 for both of us to get in. It only took half an hour for us to walk through and the tiger wasn’t even there. So basically, it was a bunch of snakes, birds and random hybrids no one has ever seen. I can see that in my back yard, or at work. I made us walk around twice just to make sure we didn’t miss something glorious and then we had a picnic in the back of my car, where we discussed the dumbness of our trip. I said sorry it sucked, she said “it’s ok mom, just do better next time”. She had to go to the bathroom and I wasn’t taking her back in to use the third world country porta potty’s and assumed she just had to pee. I took her to the grass if you’re judging me right now you probably shouldn’t read any further and as she’s peeing proceeds to tell me she’s pretty sure she has to poop. Seriously, Lily? Seriously. Right there in the grass, like a dog. I can see how this story might go in a few years, “yeah, mom took me to this sucky zoo, we had cold pizza in the car then I shit in the grass” awesome memories!

Happy rainy day, bloggy friends!